Where are you located?
We are at 8200 Devonshire Drive in Dallas.
What do I wear?
​Come as you are! You will find people wearing anything from jeans and pants to dresses and suits.
Where is the nursery?
At this time, we welcome children of all ages to worship with us in the sanctuary. We have worship bags available for their use.
Where do I park?
Park in any of the lots surrounding the church and enter through any door. The lot behind the church is closest to the children’s Sunday School classrooms. The southwest lot is closest to the nursery. Many first time visitors enter through the Sanctuary doors that face Devonshire.
What is worship like?
Our worship is traditional in style but casual in feel. Most often we sing from a hymnal, but some weeks we might learn global music accompanied by percussions. Sermons are thought-provoking and prayers are personal (you can share a written prayer request to be read during worship). We celebrate communion on the first Sunday of each month. A typical service lasts one hour, after which we gather for refreshments and fellowship.