WPC is a congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA).
How do Presbyterians decide what they believe?
Presbyterians believe that each person is called to work out his or her beliefs based on two primary sources of authority – first, the Scriptures, and second, the historic creeds and confessions of the church.
Presbyterians emphasize education and study of Scripture and creeds, seeking guidance from the Holy Spirit. While we believe in the truth of our own doctrines, we affirm persons and denominations with different beliefs as full members of Christ’s body.
From the earliest times, Presbyterians have affirmed that the Bible is the most authoritative source for faith and practice, and a source of the creative and redemptive power of God. We believe the Bible was written by persons who were inspired by God for the purpose of revealing God’s love and truth. Click here for suggested daily scripture readings from the PC(USA).
Confessions and Creeds
The PC(USA) is a confessional church, which means that our basic beliefs are embodied in creeds and confessions produced by great councils of the church. Presbyterians have always affirmed that these declarations of belief must reflect the truths found in the Bible. Click here to learn more about and read the Confessions of the PC(USA).
What do Presbyterians believe?
The majority of beliefs held by Chirstians are the same from one denomination to another. Presbyterian beliefs about things like God, Jesus Christ, grace, and love are very similar to those held by other Protestants.
Do Presbyterians Believe in Predestination?
There are subtleties that set Presbyterians apart, and one of them is the belief in predestination. But it may not be what you think! Predestination is not the belief that everything we do in life has been pre-ordained, nor does it mean that some are chosen for heaven and others for hell. That’s predeterminism. Predestination is the belief that God has given us salvation even before we are born. There is nothing we can do to gain it or to lose it. Like our birth, it is simply a gift. It’s a pretty good belief, don’t you think?
How do Presbyterian Beliefs Play Out at WPC?
We serve at WPC. We want to serve you at WPC, but we hope you don’t choose to worship with us because you believe this is the best place where your needs and wants will be met. We hope you worship with us because you believe this is the place you can best serve others with the love of God. Just as Christ came not to be served but to serve, we at WPC exist to serve. We serve each other, but we also serve our community and the world.
We want grow with you as a follower of Christ and nurture your faith. We do this together through worship, education, mission, and fellowship. We are all ministers of Christ, helping each other live in response to God choosing us, loving us, and blessing us with amazing grace.